Raiffeisen Immobilien Upper Austria
In the region above the Enns Raiffeisen Immobilien is also the right partner for you in all real estate matters. Whether in Mühlviertel, in Salzkammergut or the central area around Linz: We offer competent service concerning buying, selling and valuation of all sorts of properties.
Get to know us
With about 100 employees at 26 locations, the biggest real estate agency organization in Upper Austria provides expert services concerning buying, selling, and valuing real estate of any type.

Everythings starts in Linz
No other capital city has managed the transformation from a purely industrial and administrative city to a liveable cultural city as perfectly as Linz. Some of the largest industrial companies in the country are based in Linz and provide the provincial capital and its surroundings with top-class jobs that contribute greatly to prosperity and well-being. Art and culture round off the good economic conditions for living very well and pleasantly here.